Sunday, 22 April 2012

Salute 2012

Zed, myself and Dancing Dave went to Salute in London town, it was really good, we saw lots, bought lots ( too much if you were Dave) and have come home with lots of ideas for our own tables, games we want to play in the future and aching feet.

Below, in no particular order are some pictures from our day, I've added captions where I could remember the manufacturer, I'm sure Zed can fill in the blanks.

Until next year...

Studio McVey - Smaller than expected but very very beautiful
Black Scorpian miniatures
Black Scorpian miniatures - Pirates
Black Scorpian miniatures
Battlefront's FoW table
More Rampage!
Even more Rampage!
Black Scorpian miniatures - Pirates
Very nice 'Orlock' style gangers
SAGA in action

Black Scorpian miniatures - more pirates!
Battlefront's FoW board
More Studio McVey
Battlefront's FoW board
Battlefront's FoW board
Dont forget to Stormtrooper
Battlefront's FoW board
Battlefront's FoW board
Mantic Abyssal Dwarves, looked very nice in the 'flesh'
Mantic Abyssal Dwarves


  1. That was my game of Saga in Action. Anglo Saxons v Bretons. Had I known they would hit and run with javelins I would have advanced a lot sooner and may have brought them to melee. I dispatched two units of skirmishers with ease but had taken too many losses to carry the day. Expect to see some SAGA posts later this year. Bolt Action too when that is releases in August

  2. Does look like a cracking day out. Maybe next year for me...
    Mantic Abyssal dwarfs, really? They looked ok? I'll wait a little longer and see what avatars of war come up with before pursuing the idea

    1. it was. I would forgo colours or anything else to just do Salute. Much less crowded despite much more to see and a lot more people

  3. Come with us! You know you'll love it!
    The Abyssal dwarfs were surprisingly good, but I'm not starting anything new for a while so will look but not touch.

  4. Glad you guys enjoyed yourselves!

    Saga is on my purchase list now. Bagsie the Norman army!

    Salute is a real feast for the wargaming senses. Good on you for joining in with some of the games, and making the most of it. Hopefully, I'll be able to pop down for next year's event. It requires a bit more planning for me nowadays!
