Friday, 4 May 2012

Hey how are you...

Today the post man delivered me some Skraelings from Gripping Beast to be used in their SAGA game.

The 4pt starter army contains, 1 Warlord, 3x 8 warriors (8 different poses) and 12 levies (4 different poses), my pack also came with their unique battle board and a double sided A4 set of rules for this faction.

As a club we aren't planning to actively play SAGA for a little while, so these guys will be going somewhere safe while I concentrate on finishing my Dark Eldar, FoW Yanks and 28mm Germans...


  1. Good work postie!

    Keep meaning to look at my vikings and see exactly which models I'd like for my 4 pt warband. Maybe this long weekend?

    I picked up my latest Ebay purchase today but thats a whole different story.....

    1. What is the story

    2. You say we arent playing soon? Well you say that...

    3. Yeah I may have said that, didn't mean it was true...

  2. The story involves a certain campaign, a roll that created a 4th army and "trying to be different" for a 4th time.
    Here's an anagram for a clue "Red Hot Roll"

    Hey, this has turned into something interesting! Might use more anagrams!

    There may have been gin involved in the purchase?!

    Anyway, game of saga on weds anyone? Ha!

  3. Well that's going to be Troll Horde then...

  4. Yes, well done!

    8 of the new river trolls (glued!) for about £36. I'm never going to use them am I?
