Saturday 13 June 2009

It's All About Confidence

Today I have been out collecting Eldar flowers.
'What the hell has this got to do with gaming?' I hear you ask well let me explain.

I'm going to combine the Eldar flowers with sugar, water and lemon juice and the natural yeasts in the air should with luck start fermentation. After about 3-7 days it should be ready to be bottled.

Yes I know but keep reading

Another 8-10 days and I should have some Eldar Flower Champagne.

Still not with me?

Well in a couple of weeks we start a 40k campaign, two sides, the Imperial Guard v the Astartes, all narrative and rules by none other than Lordybloke.

A lot of battles are won with confidence and as I am the General for the Imperial Guard I thought it best to have Champagne ready to celebrate our victory with my Regimental Commanders.

Cheers !


  1. I'll drink to that!!

    Funnily enough We've been gathering ingredients for various eldar flower recipes today.
    Well all but the eldar flowers so far!!

    "Marine drop pods, 10 o'clock high"


    "target neutralised"


  2. get picking they are in full flower right now.

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  6. Show yourself or feel our wrath...

  7. last chance to log on or be deleted

  8. Well well well, it seems that you gaurdsman are a little blinded by your chaos infested minds. You will feel the wraith of the Angels of Death!!!!

    As for the deleted comments it would have been nice to see them.
