Its been a low turn out for Wednesday night fighting of late. It's more usual to try and work out what we'll do for the 5th, 6th and occasionally 7th player as we have 12ft by 4ft of gaming surface. Last Wednesday there were only the three of us, Lordy, Binx and I.
There are new guidelines for three way games in the new 5th edition and we thought we'd give that a go. The scenario is three factions are meeting in the wilds of beyond and the fragile parley falls apart and a big fight breaks out. Whoever goes last automatically goes first the following turn and the remaining players roll off for 2nd and 3rd. On the first turn each unit becomes active on 4+ and there are reserves.
We set up in the centre with an Ork Warboss, a Daemon Prince and a Marine Captain. Lets be honest a parley was never going to work was it? Each of the factions had a 'base' as an objective to hold whilst attempting to secure the central objective, where the parley is held, or another base from the other forces.
The forces of chaos went first and elected to attack the Marine Captain, Binx being too scared of fighting the Warboss. The Daemon Prince paid for this mistake and was dead on turn two. Below is a sequence of pictures that showed the ebb and flow of the battle. Despite a few moments solid counter attack, the Marauder marines were hors de combat by turn 2. . The Orks were left wholly intact until turn 3 and went on to win the game by one objective after losing the Warboss in close combat with the possessed of Slaanesh.
Ultimately, in my opinion, a three way game isn't viable and if you are in the same situation, the normal solution of one player having double the points of the other two is much better. So I would like to finish by saying, I will never, never, ever eat a tomato!
Meeting up for a chat...!

The green tide begins

Hot Plasma Death about to rain down on the Noise Marines - 8 dead!

The Orks get stuck in

Battle in full swing