I copied this from the WWPD forum
MOVEMENT*Wheeled bumped to 12" off road, 18" on road.
*Jeep bumped to 16" off road, 24" on road.
*Light Guns move 6" off road.
*Medium Guns move 4" off road.
*Terrain is classified much better
*Can Dig in while Gone to Ground
*You may mount up and THEN move transport teams in the same turn
*Transports sent to the rear may return later
SHOOTING*Guns that are GTG get a 3+ save.
*MG Teams are ROF 2 while pinned
*Most weapon systems get half (rounded down) their ROF on the move. HMGs get 3 shots, US LMGs get 2.
*Bunker Buster weapons that moved cannot shoot at moving vehicles
*Goliaths can auto hit 1 team- that is either bailed/bogged or dug in (else requires a skill check to hit)
*Flame Throwers only bail an AFV on a firepower check. Otherwise, AFVs hit cannot defensive fire
*Turret Facing now comes into play. When turrets are rotated it's a 4+ to hit the different armor ratings
*Weapons with FP 2+ generally have Heavy Breakthrough Gun
*Guns that unlimber can fire at full ROF
ASSAULTING*All teams within 8" of an assaulting team participate in the assault. And no one else.
*Cavalry can still ride down their opponents unless they get into a building, behind a wall, or other Very Difficult Terrain
MORALE*Transports do not count against morale
ARTILLERY*Smoke now only blocks LOS outside of 16" rather than 6"
*Batteries with a staff team can combine for bombardments (Need rules for how to determine AT/FP)
*Batteries with 6+ guns can choose to fire a double width or re-roll misses on a single.
RECON*No more forced to disengage
*Skill check by team to lift gtg
*Unarmored recce vehicles save on a 3+
AIRPLANES*Auto range in on targets in the open
*Template can't be placed even partially over a building
*Must have room to place the stand
*AA adds 8" to range for shooting planes
NATIONAL RULES*GERMAN Kampfgruppe is now by team
MISSIONS AND SCORING*9+ platoons means you can ignore the first lost one for VPs
*Fortified companies may not start with any armored platoons on the board in missions with reserves
*Infantry companies can only start with one
*Mech 2
*Tank 3
*New missions in general