I received the Dark Elf Spearhead box set on Friday morning. The book is nasty and the figures are superb. The Assassin blister was missing but I'm sure a phone call can sort that out.
Therefore here is my army list for the Tale of 6 or 7 Gamers, based on the Spearhead and the battalion due next month.
15 Warriors, Spears, Light Armour and Shield, Full Command - 120 points
10 Repeater Crossbowmen, Light Armour and Shield, Hero - 115 points
17 Corsairs, Two Hand Weapons, Light Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Full Command - 195 points
5 Cold One Knights, Hand Weapon, Lance, Heavy Armour, Full Command - 175 points
Assassin, Two Hand Weapons, Magic Item - 106 points
Sorceress, Level Two, Hand Weapon, Magic Item - 160 points
Master, Two Hand Weapons, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Magic Item - 129 Points
Total - 1000 Points and 50 figures, 70 points of magic items
I'll work out an estimate of cost and a timetable but my intention is to try and get the big units finished before Christmas to leave me time to paint a blood bowl team for the Lone Wolves Challenge Cup starting in January.
Oh, and if you need to cool beers down quickly adding a lot of salt to water (2-3lbs) and then adding ice before putting the cans and bottles in the 'sea water' does work. Maybe I should have warned you all to rinse the top of your beer cans though ;oD Salty Beer is the Future!